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Quality Policy
Quality Policy

Kayseri University Quality Policy


In alignment with its mission, vision, and values, Kayseri University adopts a quality policy centered around cooperation with stakeholders and continuous improvement. The aim is to produce highly skilled and ethically proficient human resources, develop institutional capacity and cultural infrastructure, and contribute to regional and national development through research and development activities and projects.


The university's policies in education-teaching, research-development, social contribution, and management systems are outlined as follows:


Education-Teaching Policy


- **Produce graduates who are adaptable to global changes, with high levels of professional and ethical knowledge, skills, and competencies.**

- **Continuously improve education-teaching processes with stakeholder involvement and a student-centered approach.**

- **Ensure that the aims and outcomes of education-teaching programs align with national and international standards and that these practices are adopted and sustained within the institution.**

- **Implement and sustain these principles in formal, distance, and blended learning models, upholding the notion of education anytime, anywhere, and under all conditions.**


Research-Development Policy


- **Continuously improve research and development outputs both qualitatively and quantitatively.**

- **Support interdisciplinary, innovative, and entrepreneurial research that strengthens university-industry-public cooperation.**

- **Facilitate the dissemination, utilization, and commercialization of results obtained from research and development activities.**


Social Contribution Policy


- **Conduct research and produce projects that contribute to the economic and social development of society and the region in collaboration with stakeholders.**

- **Provide vocational and ethical knowledge, skills, and competencies through application-focused education-teaching approaches to contribute to economic and social development.**

- **Ensure that the produced knowledge is used for the benefit of society.**


Management Policy


- **Be a higher education institution focused on continuous improvement and stakeholder satisfaction.**

- **Create a sense of belonging through participatory management and embed quality as an institutional culture.**

- **Adopt a fair, transparent, and accountable management approach to foster a sense of 'being a Kayseri University student'.**

- **Be a sustainable higher education institution sensitive to social, environmental, and economic issues.**


Internationalization Policy


- **In today's rapidly changing and competitive global environment, the relationships and contributions of countries in their geographic regions are of utmost importance.**

- **Kayseri University, aiming to be a pioneering and exemplary institution, seeks to create opportunities for international students, particularly from countries with cultural and geographic proximity to Turkey, and contribute to Turkey's regional and global strength.**

- **The university acknowledges the necessity of integrating the international dimension into its education-teaching, research-development, and social contribution activities, aiming to enhance its institutional quality and capacity through international publications, collaborations, and mobility of faculty and students.**


Since its establishment, Kayseri University has aimed to produce graduates with qualifications meeting international expectations through continuously updated education-teaching programs created in consideration of the Bologna Process and the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYÇ).


To achieve its goals, the university adopts the following internationalization policies as part of its Internationalization Strategy Document and KAYÜ 2020-2024 Strategic Plan:


- **Increase recognition on international platforms, becoming a regional center of attraction, especially in vocational and technical higher education.**

- **Expand international mobility by increasing the number of bilateral agreements.**

- **Increase the number of international students and faculty members.**

- **Increase the number of students and faculty members benefiting from international exchange programs.**

- **Increase the number of international-quality publications, citations, and projects conducted through international collaborations.**

- **Enhance the capacity of academic staff to deliver education in foreign languages with various supports.**

- **Increase the number of programs offered in foreign languages and the proportion of foreign language courses in curricula.**

- **Develop international joint education-teaching programs.**

- **Work to increase the number of departments and programs with international memberships and accreditations.**

- **Conduct information and promotional meetings to encourage international mobility for students and academic and administrative staff.**