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Sensitive Tasks
Sensitive Tasks
Sensitive Tasks Form

Unit: Library and Documentation Department

Sensitive Tasks Personnel with Sensitive Duties Risk Level Consequences of Not Performing the Task (Risks) Necessary Precautions or Controls
Electronic Resources Enes Taha TUNÇ High If existing subscriptions cannot be continued, a lack of information resources in education and teaching may occur. Regularly check the access controls of the databases. Ensure license agreements are made.
Cataloging and Classification and Technical Processes Derya İŞGÜÇ High Failure to find the desired materials in the library. Decreased usage efficiency. Loss of reputation. Data entries must be made according to library rules. Subject headings should comply with standards. Labels and barcodes should be carefully applied and checked.
Backing Up Yordam Automation Program YORDAM Medium Potential data loss regarding catalog records, member records, and loan processes. Periodic updates and maintenance of backup servers. Regularly backup material records entered into the library automation program from the server.
Ensuring Uninterrupted Operation of Yordam Automation Program YORDAM Medium Inability to perform book loan-return, cataloging, room reservation, and catalog search operations. Periodic updates and maintenance of the automation server. Use of an uninterrupted power supply (UPS).
Maintaining Database Availability Enes Taha TUNÇ Medium Disruption of academic research. Inefficient use of resources. Inability to access information. Loss of reputation. Regularly monitor the operation of subscribed databases. Ensure necessary documents are requested and followed up to maintain database subscriptions. In case of database access issues, contact relevant personnel to resolve the problem.
Prevent Unauthorized Material Removal from the Library Burhan Özbey, Elmas Nur KILIÇ High Unauthorized removal of materials such as books, magazines, etc., leading to loss of publications. Ensure the responsible officer in this area is extremely careful. The relevant counter should not be left unattended. Ensure the security gate is continuously operational.
Organizing and Updating the Unit's Website Enes Taha TUNÇ Medium Inability to access data. Loss of reputation. Daily, weekly, and monthly periodic control and update of the website. Promptly fulfill website-related requests.
Personnel and Correspondence Yusuf KIVRAK Medium Failure to perform personnel and correspondence operations. Ensure regular and timely tracking of documents. Ensure all personnel-related correspondence (leave, reports, etc.) is done regularly. Be knowledgeable about relevant regulations.
Procurement Operations Enes Taha TUNÇ High Inability to provide new information resources, leading to a lack of up-to-date information in education and teaching. Timely collection of requests for printed resources, electronic resources, and databases. Ensure payments are made on time.
Support Services Cleaning of Library Rooms and Offices Betül YILMAZ, Mehmet Ali DOĞAN High Disruption of cleaning services in library rooms and offices. Health issues due to lack of hygiene. Division of tasks among relevant personnel and notification of their duties by the Presidency.
Labeling (RFID Magnetic Stripe) Operations Derya İŞGÜÇ High Incorrect labeling of resources. Absence of magnetic stripes in resources, leading to loss of resources. Disruption of access to printed publications. Inability to perform loan operations. Inability to ensure publication security. Disruption of shelf services, hindering access to publications. Ensure sufficient personnel and materials are provided. Regularly organize and check shelf arrangements. Ensure shelf adequacy. Provision of handheld terminals for shelf reading and counting. Ensure personnel have adequate knowledge related to their duties.
Shelf Services Elmas Nur KILIÇ High Inability of users to access resources due to the absence of printed resources on the relevant shelf. Decreased satisfaction. Ensure shelves are regularly organized.

Document No: FR-265

Initial Publication Date: 08/02/2022

Revision Date: 21/11/2023

Revision No: 2

Page No: 2/2

Prepared by: BKK

Approved by: KASGEM