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You can access databases from off-campus using VPN service:
Academic Presentation is Turkey's first and only academic presentation platform. It serves both academics and students with thousands of presentations it hosts...
Research Methods Education and Application Center (AYEUM) is an academic education platform established to provide online education, face-to-face education and consultancy services to researchers on qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods used in social, science, health and educational sciences.
is a Turkey-based book citation index that indexes more than one hundred thousand academic books, book chapters and full-text symposium works. With this index, which only covers book citations, it is possible to access the imprint information, covers and bibliographies of more than one hundred thousand publications from hundreds of publishing houses in Turkey.
ESI covers more than 11,500 journals from around the world to rank authors, institutions, countries and journals in 22 broad subject areas based on their publication and citation performance.
Ideal Online database is a database that gathers popular and academic periodicals under one platform, provides access to comprehensive information in Turkish sources and offers them to the readers. 1200+ Periodicals 21,000+ Archive Number 165,000+ Full Text Articles
InCites, a web-based academic evaluation tool, enables the analysis of research performance of institutions and researchers. InCites enables the evaluation of academic performance with citation data, global metrics and profile information of researchers and institutions.
OPScience extra includes all IOP Publishing titles* with an archive package dating back to 1867. Containing content in the fields of Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biological Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Environment, Mathematics and Medical Physics, all content (approximately 80+ journals) is open in full text up to the present day.
All TC Laws, TCKHKs, TC Statutes, BKK Regulations, more than 750,000 (seven hundred and fifty thousand) Court of Cassation, Council of State, Constitutional Court, Dispute, Court of Accounts, European Court of Human Rights Decisions. Thousands of petition samples, official, newspaper index, exchange rates, domestic debt instruments. All new legislation entries and legislation changes are processed daily. All content can be accessed with both the index system and the search engine.
It is a database that provides information about the language, type, meaning, etymological origin of the word and the like, as well as analyzing words that are unreadable due to wear and tear.
You can access the Lexpera Law Database, which includes Legislation, Jurisprudence, Contract Examples, Full-Text Law Books, Articles, Information Notes, Law Comments, Reports, Article Comments, etc. from the Library.
It is a database that indexes and includes citations of full texts of 1,171 journals published in the fields of Social Sciences, Science and Health Sciences. It is also a local index with the most social science articles based in Turkey.
AI-powered translation and media processing platform in 30 languages. Translate images and pictures in JPG, PNG, TIFF and PDF formats and documents in Word, Excel, PPTX and PDF formats into different languages.
Wikilala is a digital library that allows "searching" in modern Turkish within texts (newspapers, magazines, books and documents) printed in Ottoman Turkish (1729-1928) and the Early Republican Period (1923-1950) after the invention of the printing press.
Web of Science
Science Citation Index
Social Science Citation Index
Art & Humanities Citation Index
Book Citaiton Index
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI-S) ve (CPCI-SSH)
1: Lisans Anlaşması sona ermesine rağmen, BMJ Journals 2007-2009 yılları arasına erişim sağlanabilmektedir.
Vpn Hizmeti
VPN Hizmeti
VPN Nedir?
VPN, Virtual Private Network'un (Sanal Özel Ağ'ın) kısaltmasıdır. VPN ile Internet erişimli ağlar üzerinden güvenli bir şekilde kullanıcıların kendi kurum ve kurum kaynaklarına erişimleri sağlanmaktadır. Kullanıcı ve kurum arasında kurulan VPN bağlantısı üzerindeki haberleşme şifrelenerek haberleşmenin üçüncü kişiler tarafından dinlemesi engellenir. Aynı zamanda haberleşme içeriğinin bütünlüğü (haberleşme içeriğinin değiştirilmemesi) sağlanır.
VPN Hizmeti ile Neler Yapılabilir?
Kullanıcılar VPN sistemine bağlandıklarında kurum içinden sanal bir IP adresi alırlar. Bu sayede kurum dışına yasaklı olan lisanslama hizmetleri gibi servislerden faydalabilirler ve(ya) kurum içindeki bilgisayarlarına dosya paylaşımı veya uzak masaüstü seviyelerinde erişebilirler.
VPN Hizmeti Sınırları Nelerdir?
The VPN service provides service to 1000 users simultaneously and users can make a maximum of 1 connection to the VPN service simultaneously. While connected to the service, users' internet traffic passes through Kayseri University. Therefore, "Kayseri University Information Resources Usage Policies" are valid during the connection.
In order to benefit from Kayseri University Information Services, VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a service that we have put into service in order to provide different information services, especially electronic library, to our staff and students by using the system called Virtual Private Network. In order to benefit from Kayseri University VPN Portal service, it is sufficient to have your institution e-mail and password. The steps to be taken to benefit from VPN Service are explained with the following images.